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List of workshops

This is a list of activities we have done with children and young people over the years.

These workshops can be customised. For example to cover:

  • Curriculum topics being studied

  • Creative projects for the school

  • New materials and techniques

  • Exploring creative work in other cultures

African bowls
Andy Goldsworthy inspired makes
Animal shadow puppets
Banner making
Bead ants
Bugs out of jesmonite
Butterflies on sticks (foxes, birds )
Camera Obscura project
Canvas painting
Card printing
Cardboard & card butterflies on sticks
Carnival - cardboard cut out box lanterns
Carnival - Fire lantern
Carnival - Ice frost lantern
Carnival - star lantern
Carnival - Sun lantern
Carnival - Turkish lanterns
Carnival day in schools
Carnival flags
Carnival floats
Carnival costumes
Carnival masks out of modroc
Cave painting with charcoal
Chameleon stuffed toy
Chicken wire sculptures
Christmas bauble decorations
Christmas biscuits
Deer heads for carnival
Deer heads out of jesmonite
Dinosaur masks - T Rex, Triceratops & dragons
Fairies out of wire and lights
Film project - Plasticine model making
& stop frame animation
Flower pot decorating
Full sized robot out of junk
Giant bees and hornets
Giant snake
Globe project with newspaper animals
Goblins for Goblin Tree
Halloween- sugar skull decorating/skeletons
Hand puppet dragons
Hand puppet sharks
Harry Potter Cauldron
Hats-masks- birds-ravens/parrots/sharks
Jam jar decorating
Japanese dolls
Jellyfish project
Large metal sculptures - e.g. wolves
Light boxes
Lino cuts
Maps- treasure, star, home
Marble tree
Monkeys on bouncing string & sticks
Mosaic pictures
Newspaper animals
Newspaper meerkats
Old paper maps
Old paper wanted posters - cowboys or pirates
Owl stuffed toys
Paper kites
Paper spaceship
Paper star maps
Parrot and parakeet carnival hats
Perspex bug mural
Perspex bug squares
Pillow making
Plastic birds (recycling bottles)
Plastic bottle bugs
Plastic fish & squid
Plastic Flowers
Poppy tree for Remembrance Day
Rainforest day in schools
Reclaimed furniture - e.g. space bench
Robot heads
Roman helmet, shield and weapons
Samurai Armour
Shadow puppets and dancers
Shrinking heads
Silk banner painting
Skateboard - Mini and penny boards
Skateboard - new graphic and re-shaping
old board
Skateboard - new graphics for old decks
Skateboard projects
Spaceman out of mini-torch and
eyeball lights
Suitcase project
Super hero suits
T shirt printing
Tile printing
U.F.O. project
Viking helmet, shield and weapons
Wooden frame making

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