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Weekend 10:

A Change in america

This Weekend we're doing; 
An American Quiz
Making Native American Deer Skull  
Being inspired Kehinde Wiley
Making American Style Pancakes
Writing Poems with Amanda Gorman
Playing Paper Cup Games 

America Quiz


  1. What do the stars on the American flag represent?

  2. Which country gifted America the Statue of Liberty?

  3. Hiphop/ Rap was created on the East Coast or West Coast of America?

  4. What is the state Capitol of California?

  5. What is Captain America’s full name?

  6. What number is associated with Michael Jordon?

  7. Where do the Cowboys football team come from?

  8. New Orleans is the home of what kind of music?

  9. In 1947 what was supposed to have crashed at Roswell?

  10. What is the highest grossing film of all time?

  11. Which of these car companies is American?   Volkswagen - Ford - Citroen

  12. Muhammed Ali threw away his Olympic Gold Medal -  TRUE / FALSE?

  13. What American bear is considered to be the most dangerous-?

  1. Black bear

  2. Brown bear

  3. Grizzly bear

14. What do the American Government keep in Fort Knox ?

15.Who is the President of the United States?

America Quiz

Making a deer skull

Print Template here

Deer Skull
deer 1.jpg

Photo your work and send it to Taranom on Whatsapp 07341344520

deer 2.jpg

Being inspired by  Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley 2.jpg
Inspired by Kehinde Wiley

Making American Pancakes

American Pancakes

Writing Poems with Amanda Gorman

Write a Poem
Poem page 1.5.jpg
Poem page 2.jpg

Playing Paper Cup Games

Paper Cup Games
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